
Merkle Tree

Verify a Libra Transaction

Generally, you need to have a client when connecting to the blockchain network. There are different types of nodes: full node, light node, mining node and relay node. In this article, we will focus on how a light client node works because not everyone can run a validator node (full node) in Libra since it is a permissioned blockchain. Instead of fully verifying all transactions and blocks, light clients only need to download block headers and verify if interested transactions are included in the block. Light clients are run by devices that do not have huge computation power and bandwidth.

AWS Cloud

AWS IRSA For Self-Hosted Kubernetes

Finally, AWS made changes in the AWS identity APIs to recognize Kubernetes pods, so each K8S Pod can have specific IAM Role to acquire proper permission to access AWS cloud resource (This feature called IRSA). For the AWS Hosted K8S (A.K.A. EKS), official provided detail document and blog post to demonstrate how to achieve it, but there is still not many online resource to talk about how to enable it for Self-Hosted K8S in AWS, hence, I write this post to go through how to enable IRSA in Self-Hosted K8S.

Libra Swap Process Flow

LibraSwap introduction

In this article, we will introduce LibraSwap, an experimental project to bridge Libra with Ethereum. It aims to implement a minimum viable prototype to fulfill token swap between Libra and Ethereum. There are two reasons why we choose this fun project. On the one hand, we want to learn more on how Libra works. On the other hand, we are familiar with Ethereum blockchain. However, due to the limitation of Libra testnet, we can not deploy and interact with Libra smart contract. We implement a unilateral Libra swap instead of the standard atomic swap.


An Introduction To Libra

On June 18, Facebook unveiled its blockchain project, called Libra. The goal of Libra is to build a new financial infrastructure that empowers billions of people to access financial service efficiently and cheaply. According to the white paper, Libra is expected to launch in 2020. However, the emergence of Libra makes the US Congress ask Facebook to pause its development because the new global currency it brings would harm existing financial system. Libra published the white paper, open sourced the projects, and release the Testnet. Thus, developers can play around with the Libra and contribute to Libra Core. Currently, the Libra project is under ongoing development and the discussion forum is active too.